FAQ: When should I italicize the title of a source in citations?

Longer works like books, journals, etc. should be italicized and shorter works like poems, articles, etc. should be put in quotations. For example, a book title would be placed in italics but an article title would be placed in quotation marks.

Chicago Style

The titles of major works like books, journals, etc. should be italicized (this also includes legal cases and some other special names) and subsections of larger works like book chapters, articles, etc. should be put in quotations. For example, the title of a legal case would be placed in italics but a book chapter would be placed in quotation marks.

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Further Help

This information is intended to be a guideline, not expert advice. Please be sure to speak to your professor about the appropriate use of italics and quotation marks in your class assignments and projects.

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