PSC Procedural Statement: Payment Voucher / Authorization
As a general rule, the University does not disburse funds unless the disbursement is supported by a commitment voucher (a purchase order, university contract, travel authorization, etc.). This Procedural Statement outlines when a commitment voucher is not required in order to process an invoice. In these situations, the payment request may be submitted directly with the designated form.
Procedural Statement
A. General Requirements
- The specific goods and services listed in the following table may be authorized for payment by submitting the designated form (Payment Authorization, or Payment Voucher) and including the required documentation as specified. Note: The PSC has the right to request additional information or approvals for an expenditure when the PSC believes that a specific expense warrants additional support.
B. Form Requirements
- The Payment Authorization (PA) is an Excel form on the PSC website.
- The Payment Voucher (PV) is an online form in CU Marketplace.
C. Procedures for Payment Authorization Use and Payment Voucher Use
- See Table of Allowable Goods and Services, below.
Related Policies, Procedures, and Forms
- Related documents are referenced in the table, below.